Tankless Water Heater Guide: Best or Worst Idea Ever?

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Making the wrong water heater purchase can be disastrous. However, the right decision will save you money, make the spouse happy, and provide the hot water you need. This tankless water heater guide, will guide you to the best purchase decision for your needs.

However, there are many important considerations to make, and I hope to make that easy for you.

With the increasing cost of energy and the ever-growing concern over the dwindling of earth’s resources, it’s no surprise that tankless water heater installations have become popular over the last couple of years. Tankless water heaters deliver hot water on demand, take up less space and can save you money on your monthly bills.

However, buying a tankless water heater is NOT the best choice for everyone.

Table of Contents

Tankless Water Heater Guide Overview

In this tankless water heater guide, we are going to take a closer look at the differences between traditional tanks, electric tankless heaters, and gas tankless water heaters. As well as some other factors to consider when choosing a unit to fit you and your family’s lifestyle.

What Are The Disadvantages Of Staying With That Old Style Water Heater System?

Most people don’t pay much attention to their old-fashioned water heaters, even though they can cost the homeowner a lot in the long run. The average rate to fix a mid-sized heater is around $160, with that price a lot higher if the parts needed are no longer manufactured.

Also, there is no guarantee that the repair will last, especially if the tank splits or gets weakened by rust. Also, sediment build up in older traditional models can put the metal chassis under a lot of stress, which can result in a rupture that can flood your home or cause injury.

An old water heater loses a lot of energy when it isn’t in use, which means it has to use more energy to keep the hot water flowing. This makes them not eco-friendly and very costly to run.

Replacing a traditional water heater can be a difficult task, especially the bigger ones. Moving the old one out and getting the new one is a massive hassle, due to the bulky size and heavy weight. Need help with that? Contact a local plumber.

When a water heater needs replacing, the smart thing to do is forget about huge tanks and instead go for a gas or electric tankless water heater.

On average, a replacement for a traditional water heater will cost between $1,000 and $3,000, which often use dated and inferior designs, compared to the more modern space-saving tankless varieties.

What Is A Tankless Water Heater?

A tankless water heater, also known as an “on demand” or”instant” water heater, is a power efficient option when compared with a traditional storage-tank water heater. You might also find these water heaters being called “instantaneous” or “waterless”.

Mounted on the wall in your utility room, garage or outside your home; a tankless water heater caters to every need in the house – from faucets and showers to bathtubs, laundry and dishwashers.

Tankless water heaters provide instant hot water, which means that if you install the right sized heater, it will produce hot water when you need it, for as long as you need it.

In fact, the top benefit of having a tankless water heater is that you don’t have to waste energy continuously keeping a large volume of water hot, as it generates an unlimited flow. Basically, you don’t have to worry about running out of hot water when taking a long shower or filling the tub.

How Do These Newfangled Tankless Water Heaters Work?

There are three options available at the moment. When it comes to the tankless units, you can buy: non-condensing, condensing, and hybrid condensing. While each one works in slightly differentiating ways, the core principles are the same.

When hot water is used, a gas burner ignites, and a heat exchanger coil directs heat to incoming cold water flowing through the coil, producing hot water for your shower or faucet. Electric tankless heaters that use elements instead of a gas burner also exist but aren’t as effective for whole-home use.

In order to get the water to the right temperature, the units use a high volume of gas, typically between 150,000 and 200,000 British thermal units (BTU), which in most homes, especially older ones, requires the upsizing of a gas line.

A condensing tankless water heater takes things to the next level by using an additional heat exchanger that takes advantage of the excess heat coming from the exhaust, heating the water further and increasing the efficiency while decreasing the operating cost.

A hybrid tankless water heater includes a small containment of 2 or more gallons to compensate for short water uses – such as hand washing. Keeping this small reservoir full of hot water prevents the unit from having to fully fire up just for the small amount of water needed – ultimately increasing its overall efficiency.

Why Choose A Tankless Water Heater?

A tankless water heater is an excellent solution for those who currently have a standard tank water heater and are looking to replace it because it’s old, leaking /broken and inefficient.

Other people choose to switch to tankless because they simply want to lower their annual water heating bills and have hot water on demand.

Though tankless water heaters have been in use in Europe and Asia for the past two decades, they are just starting to gain popularity in the United States.

Need more hot water? Get a tankless water heater. AllWaterProducts.com Tankless Water Heater Guide

Tankless water heaters last between 20 and 30 years, this is because the unit is less susceptible to rust and leaks due to lack of stored water. These units can increase home resale value, are rated at 40-50% more efficient than today’s standard tanks and saves valuable floor space in your garage or utility room.

While the average home using a standard heater spends roughly $250 heating their water each year, a tankless heater can bring that estimated cost down by $75 and $120 annually.

Whether you’re concerned about environmental impact or just bringing down the cost of your bills, the tankless water heater is designed to be the water heating system of the future. Some utility companies even offer rebates for installing a tankless water heater – something we will get into later.

A significant factor to consider involves the change to federal regulations regarding water heaters, which went into effect in 2015. If you have a gas water heater that’s larger than 55 gallons, you will be required to install a water heater with at least an 82% efficiency. This percentage is always achieved in tankless water heaters and rare to find in traditional tanks.

How Long Do Tankless Water Heaters Last? 

When it’s time to replace the water heater in your home, you may wonder how soon you’ll have to pay out on repairs or start the whole process again. So, how long will a tankless water heater last? This is one of the areas where tankless water heaters outshine the traditional heaters.

According to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), tankless water heaters typically last between 15 and 20 years, and if properly maintained can last over 30 years.

Tankless heaters are also designed to be efficiently serviced, which means parts are easier to replace, which allows a tankless heater to easily last for much longer than its life expectancy.

Homeowners know how often appliances need replacing in the home, so knowing you will have reliably constant hot water, without it suddenly failing, will bring peace of mind.

How Efficient Are Tankless Water Heaters?

Perhaps the main draw that causes homeowners to consider installing a tankless water heater is their reputation for energy efficiency.

According to the DOE, tankless water heaters can be anywhere from 8 to 50% more efficient than standard tank heaters.

The amount of energy savings your household experiences depends on how much hot water you use on a typical day.

The less hot water you use, the more energy you’ll save by using a tankless heater.

This is because your water heater won’t waste energy keeping water hot for hours, even when it’s not going to be used. 

iHeat Tankless Water Heater S-16

Choose between these 4 electric iHeat tankless water heaters – Click Here 

A tankless heater will only heat the amount of water you need. For the greatest energy savings, you can install multiple tankless water heaters throughout your home, so hot water doesn’t need to travel far to make it to your shower or sink.

Keep in mind that energy efficiency does not translate directly into savings on your energy bill, though it can. Tankless water heaters do generally cost less to operate than tank water heaters, but as we’ll see, the biggest difference in operating cost is between gas and electric models.

Putting aside the operating cost savings, tankless energy efficiency makes them a much better environmentally-conscious choice.

What Are The Costs Of A Tankless Water Heater?

There are a few factors to think about when you’re comparing the cost of standard and tankless water heaters. There’s the price of the unit itself, the cost to have it installed and the ongoing operating costs. The total cost you’ll pay to have a tankless water heater installed depends on factors such as:


One of the biggest factors when it comes to cost is how much of the capacity of the tankless heater you buy. Obviously, The higher the heater’s capacity, the more it will cost to heat the water flowing through it.

To give you a good idea of prices, I would recommend searching online. The cheaper ones will be the point-of-use units for smaller usage, but the larger and more expensive heaters are the ones that will provide enough hot water for your entire home. 

Gas vs Electric

Another important factor is whether to choose a gas or electric model, which will influence the upfront cost. Gas models tend to cost a little bit more to install compared to a similar-sized electric model, but gas tankless models tend to incur lower operating costs than the electric ones – saving you money in the long haul.

On average, the cost to install a tankless water heater is more expensive than a traditional one. However, the savings will come later on in the form of eliminating energy waste, therefore, reducing the operating cost overall.

An electric tankless heater saves homeowners an average of $44 per year, and a gas tankless heater yields an average savings of $108, according to Consumer Reports. Electric water heaters tend to be cheaper and easier to install than gas-fired modes, though the cost of natural gas tends to be lower than the price of electricity.

Existing setup

The set up you have currently in your home will influence the cost of a new tankless heater installation. For example, if you have an older home and need your electrics updated to accommodate the new heater, or if you need a new hose for a gas-powered heater, the cost overall will increase.

How Convenient Are Tankless Water Heaters?

So the top reason to upgrade from a traditional heater is to have more convenience, and not have to prepare and plan water usage. We all depend on hot water in our homes to wash clothes, wash dishes, take showers and baths, so you want to make sure you’ll have access to hot water whenever you need it, without having to disrupt your day waiting for more water to heat up.

Tankless water heaters heat the water on-demand and continue heating more, as long as you need it. This means, even if your whole family is in line to take a shower, it will never run out. A big difference you will instantly experience is when you run the faucet, and the water instantly warms up.

So, those of us who live with our families will know the pain of wanting to shower, but having to wait for someone else to finish. Well, if you get a large enough tankless unit, you can have simultaneous showers run at the same time.

Tankless water heaters typically heat water at a rate between two and five gallons per minute (GPM), so if you are looking to use hot water from multiple sources, I would recommend getting one on the higher end of that range.

Another bonus of the tankless heater is the space it frees up in the basement, utility room or outbuilding.

Gas vs Electric Tankless Water Heater Guide

Capability wise, Gas heaters have more heating power than the electric equivalent, which makes them an ideal option for houses in colder climates, or those who have elderly or sickness prone family members living there.

Electric models tend to be better options for homes with just one or two occupants who do not use too much water.

On average, gas water heaters often require more maintenance than electric ones, which may also be a deciding factor if your household doesn’t use too much hot water.

Although the argument could be put forward that if the heater is not being used too often in a smaller household, will a gas-powered unit need that much maintenance?

Stiebel Eltron Tankless Heater

One of these 12 Stiebel Eltron tankless water heaters will solve your hot water problem – Click Here 

Read my article on the Eccotemp L5 portable propane tankless water heater.

Or the larger Eccotemp L10 model.

Or the whole house indoor or outdoor propane Rinnai tankless heater.

Tankless vs Traditional Water Heaters

If you choose a tankless water heater, with proper care, it will meet the demands of the household, and will not need much maintenance going forward.

As the years go on, modern appliances have a much higher need for hot flowing water which makes traditional heaters more inadequate at supplying the amount of water your family needs.

Other reasons people are upgrading, or choosing tankless when replacing their current unit is because they have a shorter service life, due to most traditional units being older designs and models, that make it difficult to source parts.

Because of their size, needing to be big enough to store a capacity of 20 to 80 gallons, the amount of floor space traditional heating tanks take up is quite a lot.

Also, because they need to hold large volumes of water to heat up, over time, rust and weakness can cause leaks that will require repair, or in most cases, replacement. 

Will Tankless Water Heaters Replace Traditional Water Heaters In The Future?

Tankless on-demand water heating systems have become very common in Europe and Japan, and over the last decade they’ve gained popularity in the United States. This is largely because they are very environmentally friendly, use less space and are easy to operate.

It’s clear to see at this point, that on-demand water heaters are the future. The technology will continue to advance, as well as the popularity of the systems, which will drive prices for repairs and replacements lower.

Newly built homes are now adapted with the necessary electrical requirements which will enable constructors to either install an on-demand system during the construction or have one installed later down the line.

While there are still options that may be initially cheaper or have aspects that don’t wholly outweigh traditional tanks, eventually the advantages will evolve further and leave the inferior units in the past.


Earlier in this post, you may remember that I mentioned “the British thermal unit (BTU)”.

This is the measurement of how heating power is measured and can be used to compare the heating power across different models. BTUs tells you the amount of heat it takes to increase the temperature of a pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit.

Basically; the more BTUs your system has, the better it is at heating. So, how many BTUs should a unit have? The answer will depend entirely on the household needs and the climate of where you live.

Water Flow Rate (GPM)

Tankless water heaters heat water as it flows through the system, which is measured by gallons per minute(GMP).

A helpful way to determine whether a tankless water heater will offer a high enough flow rate to supply your family is to think through a common scenario in your home involving hot water use – in particular, a situation where water usage would be at its highest.

If a person in the household would be taking a shower, while someone else is doing the washing up, then you need to find out the flow rates of these fixtures and then add them together.

For example, showerheads produce a maximum flow rate of 2.5 GPM, and a kitchen sink faucet will have a flow rate of around 2.2 GPM. Together, these fixtures demand a hot water heater with a flow rate of at least 4.7 GPM.

Now, this is toward the higher end range of tankless heaters, which smaller units won’t cater for without weakening the flow of the facilities used at the same time.

You can buy fixtures with low flow rates to relax the power the heater would need, or you could install multiple tankless heaters which will increase the capabilities even further.

What Is The Energy Factor (EF) Of Water Heaters?

Water heater efficiency is determined by the energy factor (EF). This measurement is determined by tests conducted by the Department of Energy and is designed to identify the ratio of useful energy that it puts out, compared to the overall amount of energy the water heater consumes.

Basically, it tells you how efficiently it uses fuel; if the unit has a low EF rating, it means it wastes more fuel. Energy Factors for modern tankless water heaters can range from .64 to .91, and can even go as high as .99 for the electric models. These ratings are far higher than the typical EF rating for standard tank heaters.

Selecting The Best Tankless Water Heater For Your Needs

So with an understanding of BTUs, GPM and EF ratings, you can begin comparing the units available on the market.

First, you will want to add up the maximum number of combined gallons per minute used by all of your water devices. This will be the minimum desired flow rate when searching for the right tankless heater. 

Secondly, you will want to determine the required rise in temperature. To determine temperature rise, subtract the incoming water temperature from the desired output temperature.

Some Like It HOT. AllWaterProducts.com

Natural gas tankless water heaters are the best choice for hot tubs and spas – Click Here 

Unless you know otherwise, assume that the incoming water temperature is 45°F, which will ensure that you will not under size the tankless unit you purchase.

You will want to consider the heating of the unit. An average shower will be between 104–106°F and uses 2.5 gallons of water.

Assuming the water temperature is around 45°F when it enters your home, and that you will want to run 2 showers at the same time, the temperature rise you are trying to accomplish is 45°F to 107°F, and be able to heat a minimum of 5 gallons of water. So you’ll need a tankless water heater that can produce roughly a 60 °F rise in temperature at 5.2 GPM.

Gas tankless water heaters are far more efficient at producing larger temperature rises per GPM than the electric counterpart.

Usually, a 70°F water temperature rise is achieved by a flow rate of 5 GPM through a gas-fired tankless water heater, and 2 GPM through electric water heaters. In simple terms, the gas tankless heater achieves high temperatures at almost double the rate of an electric one.

It is also important to note that you should never try and save money by undersizing your tankless water heater, as the required results won’t be met and you will be left dissatisfied with the unit.

What Flow Rate Should I Be Looking For?

Your traditional standard tank style water heaters are always compared to each other by how many gallons they hold, and the first hour rating, and recovery rate. Whereas, tankless water heaters are compared by the amount of water flowing per minute. It’s stated in Gallons Per Minute (GPM).

When you look for the right unit, you will start to notice that most major brands range from 4 to 12 gallons GPM. That being said, here are some common household appliances, and their average GPM requirements.

Bathroom sink = 0.5 – 1.5 GPM

Utility sink = 1.5 – 2.0 GPM

Kitchen sink = 1.5 – 2.0 GPM

Shower = 1.5 – 2.5 GPM

Bathtub = 2.5 – 4.0 GPM

Washing Machine = 1.0 – 1.5 GPM

Jacuzzi/Hot tub = 4.0 – 5.0 GPM

Dishwasher = 0.5 – 1.0 GPM

For a house with 1 bathroom, we recommend a GPM between 5 – 7 and between 7 – 9 GPM for homes with 2 bathrooms.

Smaller GPMs are suitable for apartment or small homes.

For large households, there are other options including installing multiple tankless units, installed at different points in the house.

Takagi T-H3-DV-N Condensing High Efficiency Natural Gas Indoor Tankless Water Heater

10-Gallon Per Minute Takagi T-H3-DV-N 199,000 BTU Condensing High Efficiency Natural Gas Indoor Tankless Water Heater. Take A look – Click Here 

Where Do I Want To Install My Tankless Water Heater?

Many people use the opportunity to replace an old traditional heater, to a more suitable location, freeing up the space a large tank would have once been occupying.

When it comes to tankless units, there are both indoor and outdoor options on the market. What is more, the outdoor units are typically less expensive to install.

What Brand Is Best?

The most important thing to consider when choosing the right brand of tankless water heater is to look at what warranty is available, as well as availability and reliability. You should choose products that are rated by the Underwriters Laboratory (UL).

Also, make sure that there are installers in your area who are certified to work with heating systems, especially those dealing with gas.

Installing & Maintaining A Tankless Water Heater

When choosing a tankless water heater, the two most important considerations are the fuel type. If you currently have a gas tank water heater ( propane or natural gas), you can install a gas tankless water heater, using the feed already connected to your home.

However, you will probably have to get a bigger gas line coming from your meter to your heater, as tankless units typically require a dedicated line to service their high demands.

If you currently have an electric powered water heater, you can either apply for propane or gas, or use an existing gas connection to power your water heater.

There are utility companies that offer excellent rebates for switching from an electric water heating system to a gas one – making switching to tankless a fantastic opportunity to take advantage of those rebates.

Choosing where to install your tankless heater is essential for achieving the lowest installation cost, as well as saving you space. Get some advice from the installer about where might be the best place to install a tankless water heater in your home.

It’s also worth noting that you will also need dedicated power to the unit so consider that. Also keep in mind, that in the event of a power outage, the unit will not provide hot water.

However, installers can install a backup battery (or generator) system if your area is prone to disruptions with your home’s electrics.

Outdoor gas tankless water heaters are designed to be installed on the exterior of a home and endure the elements. Outdoor units use a free airflow vent exhaust, so you will not have to worry about additional venting.

If you are going tankless in a house that has already been built, selecting an outdoor unit is ideal. In most cases, these water heaters are often easier and less expensive to install because there are fewer modifications that need to be made.

Many of these units are designed with self-warming components that help them operate in low temperatures. If you live in a climate that can reach freezing temperatures, outdoor units may not be the best option.

Before installing, check the owner’s manual for details on what precautions need to be taken to avoid damage in freezing weather.

When estimating the total cost for the installation of your tankless water heater, make sure you ask your installer to go over all the current plumbing codes and permit expenses, so you don’t have any surprise charges. Also, make sure you understand all the codes and requirements, so your unit is installed safely.

Rheem RTG-84DVP Low Nox Direct Vent Tankless Water Heater Liquid Propane

Rheem 8.4 GPM Liquid Propane, Energy Star, Low Nox, Direct Vent, Rheem Tankless Water Heater RTG-84DVP Buy on Amazon

Also, get a good understanding of the periodic maintenance requirements of a tankless water heater. While maintenance costs are low, some manufacturers do recommend a descaling process to keep the unit running the best it can. The frequency of this service depends on the quality of the water in your area but will help extend the lifespan of your tank.

Finally, read through the owner’s manual to get further tips and recommendations.

Maintenance Tasks You Can Perform

Both gas and electric tankless water heaters will need the inlet screen filter flushed and cleaned. This is a simple task and should be done at least every 6 months. It is recommended that gas-fueled units are flushed on a regular basis to keep mineral build-up from causing problems and affecting its performance. ​

Even the smallest amount of mineral scale build-up can have a tremendous negative impact on the unit. Over time, the build-up increases and longer burner cycles become necessary to compensate for the lower efficiency. The end result will mean the heater will have to work much harder, reducing its overall service life.

At the very least, I highly recommend flushing your unit every 12 months, though 6 months would be much better.

Tankless water heaters can seem expensive initially, but with the proper care can last between 20 and 30 years, with much lower maintenance costs compared to traditional.  

Chromex Tankless Water Heater Flush Kit with Certified Liquid Descaling Solution and 1/6HP Extra Strength Pump

Chromex Tankless Water Heater Flush Kit. Buy on Amazon

Types Of Ignition

Typically, there are 3 main types of ignition inside a tankless heating system. Usually, the more complex ignition systems come with the more expensive models. However, the more simple ignition systems are those that use less energy – ultimately saving you money in the long run.

Standing Pilot Light

What is known as a standing pilot light (actually a flame) is an older (standard) ignition system for natural gas systems. The constantly burning flame is used to ignite the gas flowing to the burners that generate the heat.

Models that use this technology tend to be less expensive to purchase, but have a higher operating cost and saves less energy.

Direct Ignition

This type of ignition system does not have a pilot; instead, a spark ignites the main flame directly. The spark plug uses a high voltage charge to create the ignition, then the thermostat closes a circuit, allowing the main gas valve to open when it detects water flow.

It has an improved energy efficiency over units that use a standing pilot light. Though it will need electricity hooked up to it, you can get units that use cell batteries instead.

Hydro-Power Ignition

HydroPower Ignition, operates by creating energy when water flows through the system. That energy is then used to ignite the burner, which heats the water. So, this HydroPower Ignition system only operates when you turn on the hot water faucet. Which makes it very energy efficient.

Once you’re done with the hot water, it turns itself off. Because it depends on water to ignite, no electrical connection or battery is needed.

What Rebates Are Available For Tankless Water Heaters?

Utility companies often offer incentives which will bring down the upfront cost of buying and installing a tankless water heater, so make sure to visit your utility company website, and find out what incentives are available for you.

Selecting The Right Warranty​

Warranties vary with different manufacturers and the various models on the market. In order to be eligible for warranty coverage, many of the manufacturers require you to register your tankless water heater in addition to having it installed by a local plumber.

Comparing warranties is an essential part when selecting a tankless system. When manufacturers are proud of their product, they provide good warranties. Most warranties are for defective parts and workmanship and nothing more.

However, a warranty will bring peace of mind and show you that they believe in the reliability and quality of their product.

I recommend that you look for warranties that cover the heat exchanger for 10 – 15 years, the parts for 2 to 5 years and labor coverage for a year. If you can find a better warranty than that, make sure you take advantage of it.

Tankless Water Heater Guide: Frequently Asked Questions

Q. “Can I install tankless water heaters up in my attic?”

A. Each location can differ and will depend on the plumbing available in that area of the house. Of course, this can be rectified but will come at an extra cost.

Also, you will want to make sure there is no way of water siphoning, as the water heater cannot have air in the lines. Water siphoning out of the unit can damage the heater when there is no water or not enough water in the lines.

Q. “Can I replace my existing tank type water heater with a tankless water heater?”

A.Yes, but you may need to make some modifications to your home. Gas units require a special vent pipe, as well as a larger gas supply line. This will not only provide gas to your tankless gas heater but can also be used throughout the home to power heating or other appliances. In this case, it’s best to contact a local plumber.

Approximate Ground Water Temperatures U.S.A. EPA

Q. “How much do I need to raise my incoming ground water temperature?”

A. This will vary from household to household, as temperatures differ in different areas and countries. See the map above.

Also, it comes down to what temperature you are most comfortable with; however, studies have shown that most people are happy with washing their hands at body temperature, and find showers are ideal at temperatures of 90°F to 110°F. That’s because most people think that 105°F water is “hot”.

Most people agree that 57°F is too cold for comfortable hand washing, let alone showering. So, if you live in that groundwater temperature zone, the water heater you choose will need to raise the water temperature by 48°F.

Q. “Can I install my own tankless water heater?”

A. I highly recommend that you do not install your own tankless water heater, as there are strict plumbing codes that need to be adhered to, to make it pass safety checks, as well as keeping your household safe.

Also, installing it yourself might void the warrant from most manufacturers, potentially costing you a lot of money if you ever need to get the unit repaired.

Most homes don’t have the appropriate electrical configuration to provide safety and the best performance and will require a specialist. Breakers will also need to be installed, as well as 240-volt wiring for anything other than the lower powered 120v tankless heaters.

If you want a gas-powered water heater installed, you will also need gas lines put down, and potentially a gas meter upgrade.

Finally, the venting needs of gas models will need to be completed right; else it could cause a considerable risk to the people living in your home.

Q. “I want to install a tankless unit in my vacation cabin. Is it possible to drain a tankless water heater to prevent freeze damage when no one’s there?”

A. You can in most cases, but I would suggest checking with the manufacturer first. To successfully drain the tankless heater, you will have to drain both lines of the unit. As long as there are no check valves blocking it, it should drain all the water from the unit. To ensure that all water has been drained, I would recommend blowing air through the line.

Q. “Is it true that some types of tankless water heaters cannot be installed in certain areas?”

A. Yes, there are some counties and cities that do not allow specific models of tankless water heaters, for a variety of reasons. Because of this reason, if you are purchasing a tankless water heater, you need to make sure you check with your local codes prior to ordering.

It’s also worth knowing that certain types of heaters, such as deionized and 3-phase heaters, are manufactured to order and cannot be returned, so be careful not to get ahead of yourself and end up with a unit you cannot use. 

Q. “What is a first hour rating?”

A. Traditional water tank heaters have a first hour rating, which is determined by the amount of hot water the heater can produce in the first hour of starting up with a full tank.

As tankless water heaters do not start with a tank of water, instead heating as it goes, the first hour rating system cannot be applied. Instead, tankless water heaters have a gallons per hour rating, which is determined by how many gallons per hour the unit can produce when raising the incoming water temperature.

Q. “Will an instant water heater save me money on my energy bills?”

A. Most savings will come from the lack of maintenance the heater will need – if looked after properly. There are some factors that could reduce the amount you save, such as the never-ending source of hot water that may lead to longer showers, which in turn will cut into your savings.

Also, the cost of electricity, propane and natural gas in your area will affect the amount of money saved, but you will already be used to these expenses if you are not switching the fuel type.

Overall, far more energy is saved with a tankless water heater compared to a traditional one in many areas, which will save money that will cover the initial install.

Q. “What is meant by “water quality?”

Technically, water quality refers to the biological, chemical and pureness characteristics of water. But, when used in reference to water appliances, it means what type of water supplies the house.

There is soft, moderately hard, hard and very hard. Though these will not affect the health of a human who consumes it, it does affect the mineral deposits in the pipes of your home and inside the appliances – such as your tankless water heater.

Hard Water Mineral Deposits Are Called Limescale. It Can Plug Up A Tankless Water Heater. AllWaterProducts.com

Having hard water does not mean you can’t have a unit installed, but will mean you will have to get it serviced more often to prevent a build up which will reduce the performance of the heater.

Q. “How do I know it is time to replace my water heater?”

There is no definitive way to know when it is time to replace your old system. Although, this article will show you how to know when to replace or repair.

A leak in the body of the heater will require an immediate replacement, as repairs will leave the body susceptible to failing again. If there is a major malfunction, such as complete or partial loss of hot water supply, leakage around plumbing fittings, or the appearance of excessive corrosion on the heater body, the unit will need to be replaced.

Though parts like the thermostat, heating elements and the anode rod can be replaced, this can be pricey, especially if the model’s parts are no longer manufactured.

Is your water heater leaking from the bottom? Read this article.

Final Thoughts About This Tankless Water Heater Guide

Tankless water heaters should always be considered over the increasingly obsolete traditional ones. They have many practical benefits, as well as saving you money.

Before committing to buy, please make sure you do your research into the manufacturers and models.

We know how daunting it can be when having to choose a product that comes with such a high price – that is why we have provided reviews and recommendations so that you can make the right choice for your home.

Also, please ensure that you meet the requirements and safety criteria by hiring a local plumber who is qualified to install your new water heater.

If you do not do this, you are putting the household at risk and could ultimately cost yourself thousands to correct the issue.

Please remember to research your warranty options so you have support in the future, and prevent any unforeseen costs going forward.

Some manufacturers provide detailed installation instructions to ‘do-it-yourself’, but we strongly recommend having a professional install your new water heater.

Marey Power Gas 10L 3.1GPM Natural Gas Tankless Water Heater

No electrical connection needed. It’s perfect for families experiencing frequent power outages. 10L 3.1GPM Marey Natural Gas Tankless Water Heater. Buy on Amazon

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Thinking of getting a 240 volt electric tankless water heater? Read my reviews here.

I have also written about the best 110-120 volt tankless water heaters – read it here.

Last update on 2024-07-14 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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